الفرق بين النسختين بتاع: «جامعة ڤيرچينيا»

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سطر 1:
{{معلومات جامعة|صورة= University of Virginia logo.svg}}
'''جامعة ڤرچينيا''' <small>([[انجليزى]]:University of Virginia)</small>, دهدى [[جامعه]] ف [[امريكانيهامريكان]],

جامعة ڤرچينيا اتآسست سنه [[1819]],.

جامعة ومكانهاڤرچينيا مكانها مدينهفمدينه [[شارلوتسفيل]] بتاعف ولاية [[فيرجينيا|ڤرچينياڤيرچينيا]].<ref>{{cite web |url=http://trends.collegeboard.org/college-pricing/figures-tables/2014-15-tuition-fees-flagship-universities-time |title=Tuition and Fees at Flagship Universities over Time – Trends in Higher Education – The College Board |publisher=Trends.collegeboard.org |date= |accessdate=February 1, 2016 |deadurl=no |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20151019085556/http://trends.collegeboard.org/college-pricing/figures-tables/2014-15-tuition-fees-flagship-universities-time |archivedate=October 19, 2015 }}</ref><ref>[http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/442 World Heritage Site 442], accessed April 27, 2019</ref>
== مصادر ==
السطر 10 ⟵ 16:
* {{ويب سايت رسمى|https://www.virginia.edu/}}
* [http://www.nps.gov/history/nr/twhp/wwwlps/lessons/92uva/92uva.htm Thomas Jefferson's Plan for the University of Virginia: Lessons from the Lawn] – a [[National Park Service]] Teaching with Historic Places lesson plan
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