الفرق بين النسختين بتاع: «ويكيبيديا:Introduction in English»

تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
/* The language
سطر 11:
Masry is different enough from standard Arabic to be considered a language of its own, with unique vocabulary and a different grammar. Masry is understood by many non-Egyptians making the benefits of having Wikipedia Masry extend beyond the suggested number ,yet still benefit the readers, who use terms that relate to their day to day life , not to classical literature that is used by academics only.
The writing on wikipedia Masry is isn Arabic alphabet , there is one page for [[مقالات بـاللاتينى|
writing article in masry using latin alphabet]]. This is for people who can speak Masry but can only write in Latin Alphabet.
==Start of wikipedia Masry==