الفرق بين النسختين بتاع: «ويكيبيديا:Introduction in English»

تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
ص استرجع التعديلات بتاعة (مناقشة) لآخر نسخة بتاعة
سطر 12:
Masry is different enough from standard Arabic to be considered a language of its own, with unique vocabulary and a different grammar. Masry is understood by many non-Egyptians making the benefits of having Wikipedia Masry extend beyond the suggested numbers, yet still benefit readers who use terms that relate to their day to day life rather than to classical literature used only by academics.
The writing on wikipedia Masry is in the Arabic alphabet , but there is one page for [[مقالات بـاللاتينى|
writing articles in Masry using the latin alphabet]]. This is for people who can speak Masry but can only write in the Latin AlAlphabet.
A lot of people also hate wikipedia masry and think that if wikipedia don't cancel it they will not use wiki again although there are Egyptians
==Start of Wikipedia Masry==