الفرق بين النسختين بتاع: «قالب:Music infobox header»

تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
ص بوت: تصنيف القالب
Ambox. Tmbox categorizes pages in talk page
سطر 1:
{{tmboxAmbox|type=content|text=The design and content of all music-related infoboxes should follow Wikipedia's [[WP:V|verifiability policy]], [[WP:Manual of Style (infoboxes)|infobox style guideline]] and [[WP:Manual of Style (music)|music style guideline]]. While this document may clarify details of their specific application to the infobox, it is primarily concerned with explaining usage and not with matters of Wikipedia policy and style.}}<noinclude>
[[تصنيف:قوالب بأسامى أجنبيه]]