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سطر 7:
== لينكات خارجيه ==
{{تصنيف كومونز|Stamford Bridge}}
* [http://www.camvista.com/sports/football/chelsea01.php3 Stamford Bridge webcam on camvista.com] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140702050643/http://www.camvista.com/sports/football/chelsea01.php3 |date=2014-07-02 }}
* [http://www.footballstadiumtours.co.uk/football-stadium-tours/chelsea Take a tour of Stamford Bridge]
* [http://www.chelseastadiumtoursguide.com/ Chelsea Stadium Tours Guide] {{Webarchive|url=https://archive.is/20081121111822/http://www.chelseastadiumtoursguide.com/ |date=2008-11-21 }}