الفرق بين النسختين بتاع: «الجزاير»

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سطر 88:
|footnotes = [[Modern Standard Arabic]] is the official language.<ref>Staff (10 April 2010). [http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/pays-zones-geo_833/algerie_406/presentation-algerie_922/index.html "''Présentation de l'Algérie''"] ''(["Presentation of Algeria"])'' (in French). [[Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (France)|French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs]]. Retrieved 15 September 2011.</ref><br />[[Tamazight]] is spoken by one third of the population and has been recognized as a "[[national language]]" by the constitutional amendment since 8 May 2002.<ref>[http://www.magharebia.com/cocoon/awi/xhtml1/fr/features/awi/features/2007/06/21/feature-01 ''"L'Algérie crée une académie de la langue amazigh"''] (in French).</ref> [[Algerian Arabic]] (or Darja) is the language used by the majority of the population. Although French has no official status, Algeria is the second Francophone country in the world in terms of speakers<ref>[http://www.senat.fr/colloques/actes_mondialisation_francophonie/actes_mondialisation_francophonie10.html ''"La mondialisation, une chance pour la francophonie"''<!-- Titre généré automatiquement -->] (in French).</ref> and French is still widely used in the government, the culture, the media (newspapers) and the education system (since primary school), due to [[French rule in Algeria|Algeria's colonial history]] and can be regarded as the ''de facto'' co-official language of Algeria. The [[Kabyle language]], the most-spoken Berber language in the country, is taught and is partially co-official (with a few restrictions) in parts of [[Kabylia]].
[[File:LocationAlgeria.svg|thumb|250px|موقع الجزاير على الخريطه]]
'''الجزاير''' (الجمهورية الجزائرية الديموقراطية الشعبية) بالجزايرى : الـجمهوريّه الـجازايريّه الـديمُقراطيّه الـشعبيّه - [[اللغه البربرى|بربرى]]: دزاير ، هى دوله من دول شمال غرب [[افريقيا]] بتطل على [[البحر المتوسط]]. مساحتها 2,381,741 كيلومتر<sup>2</sup>، عدد السكان حوالى 34 مليون.<ref name=unpop>{{cite paper | url=http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/wpp2008/wpp2008_text_tables.pdf | title=World Population Prospects, Table A.1| version=2008 revision | format=PDF | publisher=United Nations | author=Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Population Division | year=2009 | accessdate= 2009-03-12}}</ref> ، عاصمتها [[الجزاير (مدينه)|مدينة الجزاير]]، و من مدنها [[وهران]] و [[قسنطينه]] و عنابه. اللغه الرسميه هى [[لغه عربى|العربى]] و اللغه التانيه هى ال[[اللغه البربرى|بربرى]] (الأمازيغى) و ال[[لغه فرنساوى|فرنساوى]] هى اللغة الاجنبيه الاولانيه. ليها حدود مع [[تونس]] و [[ليبيا]] و [[المغرب]] و [[موريتانيا]] و [[مالى]] و [[نيجر]] و [[الصحرا الغربيه]]. مساحه الجزاير كانت تانى اكبر مساحة دوله من دول [[افريقيا]].<ref>[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ag.html ''CIA World Factbook'']</ref> لكن الجزاير بعد تقسيم [[السودان]] بقت اكبر دوله افريقيه حسب المساحه.
السطر 103 ⟵ 104:
== ملاحظات ==
<references group="note"/>
== مصادر ==
{{دول البحر المتوسط}}
== لينكات ==
السطر 114 ⟵ 113:
* [http://incubator.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wp/arq اقتراح ويكيپيديا جزايرى ...]
{{دول البحر المتوسط}}
{{تصنيف كومونز|Algeria}}