The {{CountryAbbr2}} template attempts to generate the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 or ISO 3166-2 code for a named country or geographic region, for use in the region: parameter of {{Coord}}. It attempts a ISO 3166-2 region code for locations in Canada, France, Germany, India, and the United States. It attempts a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for all other locations.

Parameters تعديل

The first (required) argument specifies the name of the country, such as "United States" or "Chile".

The second (optional) argument is the name of a state or province within the specified country, such as "Alaska".

Attempts have been made to recognize variations commonly seen in infoboxes, such as:

  • {{CHL}}
  • {{flag|Chile}}

So far, however, the template has failed to keep up with the ingenuity of infobox creators.

Bugs تعديل

Locations in Canada, India, and the United States generate invalid region codes (CA-X, IN-X, and US-X) if the second argument is omitted, blank, or invalid.

Used in تعديل

Implementation notes تعديل

{{CountryAbbr2}} sometimes invokes a helper template:

  • {{CanAbbr2}} - provinces, territories, etc. of Canada
  • {{FraAbbr}} - departments, etc. of France
  • {{IndAbbr}} - states, etc. of India
  • {{StateAbbr}} - states, districts, etc. of the United States