{{Str endswith}} | To check if a string ends with a given string. | {{Str find}} {{Strfind short}} | Returns the numerical location of a given string in a string. | {{إبحث}} | البحث عن كلمة في جملة محددة. | {{Str sub find}} | Searches a substring in a string at the given offset. | {{Str letter}} | Returns the number of letters that begin a string. | {{Str number}} | Returns the number of numbers that begin a string. | {{str gtr str}} | Compares two strings for alphabetical order, and returns a value accordingly. |
{{ASCII code}} | Returns the ASCII value of a single character. | {{a or an}} | Takes a noun and produces the appropriate indefinite article, based on whether the first letter is a vowel. | | | وحدة:String | | ...Magic words | About {{padleft:|}} . | ...ParserFunctions | About {{#titleparts:|}}, {{#expr:|}}, {{#ifeq:|}}, etc. |