Sculptress of Sound: Delia Ann Derbyshire
Born Coventry in 1937. An English composer, Delia is best known for realising the Doctor Who theme music during her time at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. She later said that the sound of falling bombs and air raid sirens she heard as a child in the Coventry Blitz of 1940 influenced her approach to electronic music and several of her haunting compositions. Delia died in 2001. She was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Arts from Coventry University in 2017.
نسبه ل – لازم يتنسب العمل للى مألفه بشكل مناسب و توفير رابط للرخصه وتحديد اذا حصلت تغييرات. ممكن ده يتعمل بأى طريقه معقوله، لكن مش بطريقه تشير ان مانح الرخصه بيوافقك على الاستعمال.
مشاركه زي – إذا قمت بإعادة مزج المادة أو تحويلها أو البناء عليها، فيجب عليك توزيعها