Text Appearing Before Image: ixty-five cents; and of officesalaries six thousand six hundred and ninety-sevendollars. Th ere were in the employ of the PublicSchool Department, last August, seventy-four princi-pals, twenty-four vice-principals and seven hundredand eighty-one assistants, making a total of eighthundred and seventy-nine teachers. The schoolshave an average daily attendance of thirty-one thou-sand eight hundred and nine, and a total enrollmentof forty-three thousand six hiindred and twenty-sixpupils. The school census, children, between theages of five and seventeen years, numbered last year,sixty-two thousand four hundred and fifty-six. Therewere seventy-three schools and the property of thedepartment was valued at four million seven hun-dred and ninety-eight thousand, four hundred andtwenty-seven dollars. Seventy-seven buildings were occupied as schools,of which number ten were rented and the remainingsixty-seven (six brick and sixty-one wooden) ownedby the department. LEADING ARTICLES OE THE MONTH. Text Appearing After Image: M. DE BLOWITZ. MRS. COMYNS. MR. J. M. LESAGE. JOURNALISTS OF TO-DAY. THE series of Journalists of To-day, in SearchLight this month, is very varied, including M.de Blowitz, the prince of interviewers and the inter-viewer of princes, Mr. Lucy (Toby, M. P.), Mr.James Gordon Bennett, of the New York Herald, Mr.Lesage, of the London Daily Telegrajyh, Paul deCassagnac, the dueling journalist, and Mrs. Comyns,the editor of the Feathered World. Mrs. Comyns isa widow whose husband started the Feathered Worldeighteen months before he died. She conducted theeditorship of the paper, and raised its circulationfrom 12,000 to 20,000 weekly. She is the daughter ofan Anglo-Indian officer, and the niece of Mrs. Faw-cett. She began life as a typewriter in ChanceryLane. She is now thirty-one years old, and is the onlywoman in the United Kingdom who is proprietor,editor and manager of a newspaper. Of Paul de Cas-sagnac it is said that he spends an hour or two everyday fencing in order to keep up his skil
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