The photograph above is a panoramic image which was created by me, Daniel Vorndran, and uploaded here as User:DXR.
You are allowed to use the image free of charge as long as you follow the rules laid out by the licence found in the box below.
I am happy to provide reworked versions (crops etc.) of my panoramics if this is useful for use in other projects
Please note:
The majority of my recent panoramics are taken using a Nodal Ninja 4panoramic head and PTGui Pro as stitching and HDR processing software.
Panoramics cannot always be perfect representations of reality since the creator has to make choices with respect to the projection used, none of which can perfectly reproduce the way a scene is perceived by human eyes. This is especially true for large angles of view.
Despite my efforts to produce high quality images, I cannot rule out some imperfections such as parallax errors.
أنا، صاحب حقوق التأليف والنشر لهذا العمل، أنشر هذا العمل تحت الرخصة التالية:
نسبه ل – لازم يتنسب العمل للى مألفه بشكل مناسب و توفير رابط للرخصه وتحديد اذا حصلت تغييرات. ممكن ده يتعمل بأى طريقه معقوله، لكن مش بطريقه تشير ان مانح الرخصه بيوافقك على الاستعمال.
مشاركه زي – إذا قمت بإعادة مزج المادة أو تحويلها أو البناء عليها، فيجب عليك توزيعها