Permission was granted to wikipedia by the owner Jerome Lulling. As he is not activ on lb:Wikipedia one of his friends uploaded the pictures. There were personal contacts between Lulling and former sysop Cornischong and so Lulling agreed to publish his pictures as public pictures on Wikipedia.[1] + here
نسبه ل – لازم يتنسب العمل للى مألفه بشكل مناسب و توفير رابط للرخصه وتحديد اذا حصلت تغييرات. ممكن ده يتعمل بأى طريقه معقوله، لكن مش بطريقه تشير ان مانح الرخصه بيوافقك على الاستعمال.
مشاركه زي – If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you must distribute the resulting work under the same license as the original.