ضمن صفحة طلب الحذف، ضع النص: {{subst:delete2|image=File:PaulBernNote.JPG|reason= (تعليل طلب الحذف)}}
ضمن السجل، ضع النص: {{subst:delete3|pg=File:PaulBernNote.JPG}} (سجل)
تعليل طلب الحذف: While the text of the note may have been published, bibliographically speaking, in newspapers in 1932, with or without a copyright notice, for US copyright purposes publication (general publication) can only happen if authorised by the author. Any contemporary newspapers publishing this text would have done so as fair use, not because the suicide note was somehow public domain or, even more ridiculously, licensed under a compatible free license. In order to ascertain the note's copyright term we need to know when the first authorized publication happened, which, absent evidence to the contrary may have been "never"—it is entirely possible that all subsequent publications have been on similar fair use grounds—or may have happened at any point in the intervening years (if the estate or heirs granted permission to someone writing a book about the affair, say).
Since it is pretty much impossible to prove that it was never published with permission before 2003 (when {{PD-US-unpublished}} would come into play), we must assume per COM:PRP that publication with permission happened somewhere in the time window where a pub. +95 term applies (if publication was late enough that the term was pma. 70 it would have long since expired).
The best bet for anyone wanting to try to save this file is to trawl through the oldest books about this topic looking for one giving the full text of the note and mentioning in the text somewhere that they have the permission of the heirs (even indirectly in the form of thanking them for assistance or graciously permitting etc.). If found it may be reasonable to conclude that first publication happened no later than that time and copyright expires 95 years after that book was published, or it could be that that book either lacked a copyright notice or failed to renew copyright in the 28th year after publication.
Note that the file is in use on many Wikipedias and several of them may have EDPs permitting fair use material ala. enWP. Before deleting these should be notified and given the opportunity to import the file locally if desired and permitted by their policy.
لا تمسح هذا القالب!
هذا القالب لا يعمل مع أمر "delete"
طريقة الاستعمال: {{Delete|تعليل طلب الحذف}}. يجب أن تضع التعليل في Commons:Deletion requests أيضا!!!
NOTE: Please do not use this template directly! This is just for translation.
Deutsch: Der sogenannte "Abschiedsbrief", den Paul Bern irgendwann vor seinem Tode im Jahr 1932 schrieb.
English: Exact words from Wikipedia: "This is the alleged 'Suicide Note', written by Paul Bern some time before his death in 1932. This was published in 1932 in all the major newspapers, and is part of the public records of the Inquest held after his death. It never had any copyright notice, and since it is not an artwork it is, in my opinion, not eligible for copyright anyway."
يقع هذا العمل في النِّطاق العامّ في الولايات المُتحدة الأَمريكيَّة لأَنَّه نُشر فيها بين عامي 1929 و1977 ضِمناً، دون وجود إِشعارٍ بحقوق التَّأليف والنَّشر. للمزيد مِن التوضيحات انظر كومنز:مخطط هيرتل والتَّعاريف التَّفصيلية لمسائِل نشر الفنون العامَّة. يَلزم الانتباه إِلى أَن حقوق التَّأليف والنَّشر قد تكون ساريةً في الولايات القضائية حيث لا يسري بند حكم الفترة الأقصر على الأعمال الأَمريكيَّة (حسب تاريخ وفاة المُؤَلِّف)، فهي مثلاً 50 عاماً بعد الوفاة في كندا وفي برِّ الصِّين الرَّئِيسيِّ الَّذي لا يَشمل هونغ كونغ وماكاو و70 عاماً في أَلمانيا وسويسرا و100 عام في المكسيك.
{{Information |Description=''Exact words from Wikipedia'': "This is the alleged 'Suicide Note', written by Paul Bern some time before his death in 1932. This was published in 1932 in all the major newspapers, and is part of the public records of the Inque