The Public Domain Mark (PDM) is not a copyright license, but a symbol used to indicate that a work is in the public domain. When it is applied by the author or the copyright holder, community consensus has decided such works as being public domain in the US and countries where it is legally possible to release own work to the public domain. In the countries where this is not possible, the copyright status of the work remains undetermined.
If a file is tagged with Public Domain Mark by someone other than the author or the copyright holder, a more specific copyright tag such as one found at Commons:Copyright tags/General public domain must be applied. If this is your own work, please use {{Cc-zero}} instead.
الملف ده فيه معلومات إضافيه، غالبا ما تكون أضيفت من الديجيتال كاميرا أو السكانر ح الضوئى المستخدم فى نقل الملف للكومبيوتر.
إذا كان الملف اتعدل عن حالته الأصلية، فبعض التفاصيل مش ها تعبر عن الملف المعدل.
عنوان الصورة
Brdo pri Kranju, Grad Brdo.
Predsednik vlade Robert Golob se je srecal s predsednikom Mednarodne smucarske zveze Johanom Eliaschom na temo trajnostnega vidika svetovnega prvenstva v nordijskem smucanju v Planici ter njegovega pomena za promocijo Slovenije.
Predsednik Mednarodne smucarske zveze Johan Eliasch in predsednik vlade Robert Golob.
صاحب الحقوق الممحفوظة
STA - Slovenska tiskovna agencija - Slovenian Press Agency -