Text Appearing Before Image: r, planted on like Bales,,and diftant one from the other by egiy^acesoverthwart, beyond thefe was the fecret place. Thé reft of the Tâbernaole w^)^r all The Taberna-the Priefts •■, and this tripartite divifion of the Tabernacle, refembled the nXtjpeJttf-the ^^^World j for the third part (which was cpntaind within the four Pifers, to Whichthe Priefts had no accefs) did, in a manner, rèprefent Heaven , the Seat of God :,but the fpace of twenty Cubits (which was only permitted to the Prieft, and wasunacceflible to otjiers) refembled the Sea and Land. • In the Front wherjp the ren-trance was, they placd five Pillars upon brazen Bafes, after thefe , the Curtainswere fpread about the Tabernacle, woven of Silk, and embroydefd with-f^jrple,G Violet, and Scarlet Colours:, the firft of thefe was fpread ten Cubits every way,and was drawn about the Pillars, which feparated the Adyt from the other fpace,and from the fight of men 3 and all this Temple was calld Holy. As for the Adyt, thaï Text Appearing After Image: I Sook III. of theJEW S. Exoà, V> A that was fituate beyond the four Pillar?, it wasîcalled the SunëumSanSforum, or Holyof Holieft •-, and this Curtain or Vai! Wis adomd with all forts of flowers which theEarth bringeth forth ; but there were no Figures of living Creatures to be found there-in. The fécond Vail equalled the firft in greatnefs, workmanlhip, and colour, and in-corapafled the five Pillars of the Entry o which reaching from the top to the tnidft ofthem, and faftned to each of them by a certain Ring, gave accefs to the Priefts that en-tred the fame. To this was there annexd on the outfide, another Vail of like highncfi,and woven of Linnen, drawn upon Cords from the one fide to the other, by means ofcertain Rings^ which was fometimes fpread, and other times (efpecially on the Holy-dayes) unfpread, left it (hould hinder the peoples fight : on the other days (efpeciaiiy 3 fuch as were cloudy) it was fpread, and fervd for a coverture to defend the paintedVail from the
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