هذه الصُّورة مُوفَّرة مِن قِبل مكتبة الكونغرس قسم المطبوعات والصُّور تحت الهويَّة الرَّقميَّة ppmsca.56772. لا يُشير هذه الوَسم إلى حالة حقوق التَّأليف والنَّشر الخاصَّة بالعمل المُرفَق؛ لا يزال وَسم حقوق التَّأليف والنَّشر مَطلُوباً، راجع كومنز:ترخيص لمزيدٍ من المعلومات.
It is part of a collection donated to the Library of Congress. Per the deed of gift, U.S. News & World Report dedicated to the public all rights it held for the photographs in this collection upon its donation to the Library.
Photographs in this collection by one of the photographers above are in the public domain. If they are in the collection but taken by any other author than those above, they might not be in the public domain. It cannot be determined if photographs created by non-staff were works for hire or not.
أضف شرحاً من سطر واحد لما يُمثِّله هذا الملف
Prince Souvanna Phouma (cropped) during meeting with V.P. Spiro Agnew. (taken in 1969)