نقاش:اعمال ليوناردو دا فينشى

أحدث تعليق: قبل 3 سنوات من HitomiAkane في الموضوع File and date

File and date


Predis, Giovanni Ambrogio de - Ritratto di dama - Ambrosiana.jpg

 {{حوالى|c. 1490

https://www.ambrosiana.it/en/opere/portrait-of-a-lady/ please read the references when editing European paintings what is wrong, I wanted to support but if you do not accept the museums reference I give you than keep the wrong date and worse file--Oursana (مناقشه) 21:04، 8 نوفمبر 2021 (يو تى سى)ردّ

◀ Oursana It's not about accepting or refusing the reference, your edits are missing the( date template), read my message on your talk page, I said to update the image but don't miss the template as you don't know the language and don't know how to change the date template data! HitomiAkane - (💬 مناقشه) 21:07، 8 نوفمبر 2021 (يو تى سى)ردّ
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